Twilight: #vom

So as you all know... Ju hates the Twilight series. They are a glorified collection of poorly written books that have destroyed an already overdone genre of fiction. The author is hardly top notch, her writing is, after all, meant for gaggles of 14 year old girls (the age being the key factor here). There is such better fantasy fiction, and it seems that with the imminent close of Harry Potter, Twilight launched to the foreground just so there would be another book craze. Really America? This is what you'll get behind? Harry Potter might not have been the most artfully written, but it was certainly a much better quality than this drivel.

Worse yet, is that the movie adaptation has done nothing to make up for the awful series. They have done their job, no doubt, taking a cast of actors that shrieking tweens will foam at the mouth over, and made a movie that will empty the pockets of their equally mindless mothers who will cart regiments of them in a mini-van to the movies. But the first installment, was a horrid disgrace to 2008 cinema. The display of special effects was disgusting. "Vampires" moving through the air faster than their legs were moving... really? Oh, lets not forget that they actually kept the concept where they glittered in the sunlight. Dangerous for them, huh?

All things aside, the movies have apparently improved, though they kept Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner (who is only good for what's from the neck down). This hardly makes much of a step up. Kristen's - uh, um, oh, um, eh, uh, um, oh, ah, ee, uh, oh *trembling*- acting is hardly that, and of course the least attractive, Robert Pattinson, is probably the only decent one of the lot. Though much of it is making "I'm going to eat you," eyes at Kristen, he - at least - has a personality in real life.

Suffice to say, I'm a little upset I'm being partly cowed to the next movie this Wednesday that is slated to be released the Friday after. My would have been ex-coworker has bribed me with movie boozing for accompanying her to this disaster waiting to happen. I'll be drunk. There will be tweens everywhere. I will likely go with a bomb strapped to my chest... so I guess I will be looking forward to the event. Nothing like the smell of singed tweens to take the edge off of the annoyance their mere presence stirs.

Also, someone said this and it pretty much made my day:

"Dear Stephanie Meyer,

I understand. I too wrote a bad romance.


Lady Gaga"

Needless to say, this person is my hero.

PS. I wish gifs worked on here. I'd be having a field day.


Nicole Jennifer said...

Though I respect your opinion, I just have to say.... is it really that bad? Come on now, for someone who hates it so much, you certainly know a lot about it. And if you truly are so opposed to it, no amount of alcohol could coerce you into watching it. It's not really fair to rant all over it just because you don't like it, because there are people who really do. I personally don't like rap music but I don't go on endless tirades about how awful it is. Everyone is entitled to like what they want to, and no one has any right to tell anyone that what they like 'sucks'. I like whiny alternative rock bands that I used to listen to in high school, and I get really offended when people criticize my music choices. How would you feel if people were constantly telling you how awful something you like is?

Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it bad. And just because it's bad, doesn't mean people are wrong for liking it.

Ps. Taylor Lautner is delicious.

Julian said...

"Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it bad. And just because it's bad, doesn't mean people are wrong for liking it. "

I liked that. But I know, I'm just ranting on it. I just really wish to see something better. Its like reality TV... over it; set higher standards. People aren't wrong for liking it, but you can't deny that its just hyped up and a good amount of people supporting it have just jumped on the band wagon. I would rather see hype over something that I might not agree with, but can at least admire.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, its ridiculous bullshit Julian, lol, well said. but lil gurlz love to be romanced and if you're into gross thin pale emo vampires and silly native american wolves who dont wear shirts then twilight WILL romance you. I mean I loved BSB and NSync and Johnathan Taylor Thomas so looking at it now, as an adult, I get it. its bullshit, but I get it. I wish we had better heroines though, like Scarlett O'Hara, chick was fiiiiierce and stupid but fiiiiierce. So i feel you when youlsay you wish there was something better. but the bottom line is $$$$ right?? And daaaaaamn they will get it for twilight. And really tho J? taylor from the waist down?? He sucks ASS but he's really quite cute!

Nicole Jennifer said...

who are you anonymous?

Anonymous said...

This is the best review of Twilight I have ever read.


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