Have A Blessed Day

So I went to Kean with my sister for their homecoming. It was crowded as fuck and parking was a nightmare. So I'm looking for a space and I see someone pulling out of a space 5 spaces down and 2 aisles away from the walkway to the festivities! So I'm waiting patiently, reveling in my little victory, and I see an SUV coming around the corning heading towards my spot! And because of the way the car pulled out, the fucktard snaked my spot! So I rolled down my window and well... here's how it went down:

no response
Dickhead: Yeah?
Me: I was here first.
Cumsucker: Are you sure?
Me: YES! Yes I am.
So needledick backs out and leaves, and I smile and say,
Me: Have a blessed day.

Have a blessed day is kind of my way of saying FUCK YOU! Now, I hate to get Jesus involved but I think he would back me up in most cases. I do it at work too, but in order to be politically correct I substitute blessed with great, wonderful, marvelous, sensational, stupendous... the more ornate the adjective, the more I want go back in time and stab your mother in the uterus while she was pregnant with you.


Julian said...

Absolutely lovely. I especially enjoyed that last part.

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