Does this happen all the time?

Just out of curiosity, because it's not what I was expecting.

I went by my dentist on Monday because my face had been hurting for the past two days and I figured it was this wisdom tooth that was suddenly sticking out of the side of my gums. She said it was "impacted" (Which is Dentish for "profit") and sent me straight over to an oral surgeon for an x-ray and consultation.

So this crazy bastard x-rayed it and then started whipping out all these tools and needles and other scary shit while I was just sitting there in the chair. I was all "What the hell is that shit for?" And he was like "We're doing the extraction now. That's what you wanted, right?" Well sure, I guess, but when were you planning on telling me that? We haven't even gone over my I need it pulled? Am I going to be in pain? Don't I need to be put out for this? Doest my insurance even cover this? Am I going to be able to go to work tomorrow? None of this was discussed. He just shot me up with novocaine, ripped that fucker out, then handed me an ice pack an sent me on my way. I didn't even get a receipt.

On top of that, he got a little sassy with me when I said I needed to make a phone call first. Excuse me, shitbag, sorry if I'm wasting your time but I didn't walk in here prepared to undergo invasive oral surgery. Not only that, but it was a completely barbaric procedure and to be honest it was a little traumatizing. A warning might have been nice.

I don't think this is normally the way things go.

Definitely not going to that guy again.


Shana said...

Omg are you for real??? Would you like me to come over there and palm strike that bastard for you?

Julian said...

L.O.L. then people wonder why its terrifying to get your teeth checked out.

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