Welcome to November

It is November... officially. This doesn't really excite me in the least seeing as its quickly getting colder (though I just splurged on a beautiful peacoat that I'll enjoy brandishing on the regular). Also, it is in this time of the year that a random power-interrupting, cable-downing, snow storm can suddenly occur. Most importantly, it marks the end of Halloween and my favorite holiday; on which day *cough* I didn't see a single one of my co-bloggers *cough*.

None the less, November does carry a pro or two. It is National Writing Month.
For all the authors, pseudo-authors, and wanna-be authors, its the month for you. I suppose I can include myself in one of those categories, but its a time to let your prose be honored! So this post, is to challenge all the writers to partake in the month's spirit and write.

To help facilitate this, I present: www.nanowrimo.org.

This lovely website dares writers to set lofty writing goals and to work towards meeting them. All things that they should normally do, but in the span of a month. From November 1st (note today's date), until November 30th, registered participants are to complete a 50,000 word novel. The site features personal profile pages where you can track your progress and post it for others to see. It is an entire writing community with forums and even event meet ups (though the one time Miss Carissa and I tried to attend, no such meet up had really existed; just double check). So grab your keyboards and get to writing!

Personally, I think I might try and take up Carissa and my original challenge of writing a typical smutty romance novel.

"'Vincenzo!' She breathed his name in a rich voice as her bosom sank and rose with the excited effort.

'Maria!' He called, as he went to her in one powerful stride, bringing her into his strong embrace with his chiseled chest."

Is it bad I just got a little turned on...? xD


Anonymous said...

I don't really understand nano whatever, why would I want to stress myself out for a whole month trying to write a fake book?


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